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Euroclub Schools
Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire?
2. Écoutez! Pensez!
Listen! Think!
Explain! Speak!

3. Regardez! Venez!
Repeat! Count!
Look! Come!
4. Asseyez-vous puis prenez un crayon.
Sit down then take a pencil.
Calm down then draw a picture.

5. Levez la main!
Put up your hand! Wash your hands!
6. Allons! Lisons!
Let's go! Let's read!
Let's play! Let's run!

7. Fermez les yeux!
Open your eyes! Close your eyes!
8. Chantez plus fort!
Sing louder! Walk slowly!

9. Mettez-vous en rang, s'il vous plaît!
Sit quietly, please! Line up, please!
10. Entrez vite! Sortez vite!
Enter quietly! Go out quietly!
Enter quickly! Go out quickly!

11. Demandez! Répondez!
Ask! Reply! Stand! Run!
12. Soyez sages!
Be good! Think carefully!
13. Parlons en français!
Let's learn French! Let's speak in French!

14. Ouvrez la porte! Fermez la fenêtre!
Open the door! Close the window!
Open the window! Close the door!
15. Dites-moi! Montrez-moi!
Tell me! Show me!
Hear me! Watch me!
16. Restez calmes et faites vos devoirs!
Keep calm and think about it!
Keep calm and do your homework!
17. Restez calmes et souriez!
Keep calm and smile!
Keep calm and work!
18. Le professeur a dit - Poussez les chaises!
The teacher said, "Push in your chairs!"
The teacher said, "Sit on the chairs!"
19. Travaillez! Jouez!
Begin! Finish!
Work! Play!
20. Arrêtez d'écrire, s'il vous plaît!
Stop writing, please!
Begin writing, please!
Chantons les commandes!
Let's sing a commands song!
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