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Euroclub Schools
Observe the following sets of French, Spanish and Italian words.
What do you think they mean?
Click on either A or B.
Halloween Quiz
1. le fantôme el fantasma il fantasma
A. the ghost B. the skeleton
2. la sorcière la bruja la strega
A. the witch B. the pumpkin
4. la citrouille la calabaza la zucca
A. the pumpkin B. the monster
5. J'ai peur. Tengo miedo. Ho paura.
A. It's scary. B. I'm scared.
6. C'est effrayant. Es espantoso. È spaventoso.
A. It's frightening. B. It's wicked.
8. l'ombre la sombra l'ombra
A. the witch's hat B. the shadow
10. le monstre poilu el monstruo peludo il mostro peloso
A. the hairy monster B. the scary monster
11. le manche à balai el palo de escoba il manico di scopa
A. the broomstick B. the cauldron
13. C'est une nuit effrayante! ¡Es una noche espantosa! È una notte spaventosa!
A. It's a scary night! B. It's a great night!
12. le chat noir el gato negro il gatto nero
A. the black cloak B. the black cat
14. le squelette blanc el esqueleto blanco lo scheletro bianco
A. the white skull B. the white skeleton
15. le chaudron la caldera il calderone
A. the cauldron B. the witch's spell
Halloween Zone
Quiz Zone
3. la toile d'araignée la telaraña la ragnatela
A. the cauldron B. the spider's web
9. le sorcier el hechicero il mago
A. the magic spell B. the wizard
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