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È Natale!

Fai clic sulle risposte corrette.

1.   Come si dice 'Merry Christmas' in italiano?

A.   Buon Anno!

B.   Buon Natale!

C.   Buona Pasqua!

2.   Come si dice 'Father Christmas' in italiano?

A.   Babbo Natale

B.   Stella di Natale

C.   Canto di Natale

3.   Come si dice 'the Nativity scene' in italiano?

A.   la calza

B.   il pandoro

C.   il presepe

4.   Come si dice 'the winter' in italiano?

A.   l'estate

B.  l'inverno

C.   la primavera

5.   Come si dice 'the Christmas tree' in italiano?

A.   l'albero di Natale

B.   la stella di Natale

C.   il regalo di Natale

6.    Come si dice 'Christmas Eve' in italiano?

A.   il giorno di Natale

B.   la vigilia di Natale

C.   la calza di natale

7.   At New Year, what is traditionally eaten for good luck?

A.   strawberries - le fragole

B.   olives - le olive

C.   lentils - le lenticchie

8.   Come si dice 'the Christmas carol' in italiano?

A.   il canto di Natale

B.   la canzone invernale

C.   la neve natalizia

9.    Come si chiamano 'the Three Kings' in italiano?

A.   i Tre Re

B.   le Bacchette Magiche

C.   i Re Magi

10.   Come si chiama the Italian Christmas Witch of 6 January?

A.   la Befana

B.   la Strega Monella

C.   la Bimba

11.    Come si dice 'the Baby Jesus' in italiano?

A.   Gesù Bambino

B.   Bambi

C.   Piccolo Pupo

12.   Which one of these Italian cakes does NOT belong to Christmas? 

A.   la colomba

B.   il pandoro

C.   il panettone

13.   Which occasion is known as Santo Stefano?

A.   24 December (Christmas Eve)

B.   26 December (Boxing Day)

C.   25 December (Christmas Day)

14.   Which occasion is known as San Silvestro?

A.   31 December (New Year's Eve)

B.   6 January (the Epiphany)

C.   1 January (New Year's Day)

15.   In addition to goodies and gifts from the Christmas witch, what do Italian children traditionally find in their stocking?

A.   carbone - some coal

B.   legno - some wood

C.  carta - some paper

16.    Which of the following words would NOT be used to say 'Happy New Year'?

A.   Felice Anno Nuovo

B.   Buon Anno

C.   Buon Compleanno

17.    Which meal is il cenone di San Silvestro?

A.   New Year's Eve dinner

B.   New Year's Day dinner

C.   Boxing Day dinner

18.    In some parts of northern Italy, who brings presents to children on 13 December?
Si chiama .....

A.   San Nicola

B.   Santa Lucia

C.   l' Immacolata

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